General Thomas A. Bussiere
- Air US Strategic Command Barksdale Air Force Base The ICBM and Bomber Transition
U.S. Representative Kelly Armstrong
- Perspectives on The Nuclear Deterrent
Dr. Stephen Blank
- Russia's Nuclear Policy and Threat after Ukraine
U.S. Senator John Hoeven
- The State of the US Nuclear Deterrent
Maj. General Jason Armagost
- Operationalization of Modernization
Vice Admiral Johnny Wolfe and Rear Admiral Scott Pappano
- OME Navy Perspectives on the Nuclear Challenges
Brig. General Stacy Jo Huser
- Overcoming Challenges to Modernization
Mr. Mike Pillsbury
- What is the China Debate in the United States About
Dr. Brooke Taylor
- Educating the Next Generation in Strategic Deterrence
Mr. Thomas Troyano
- The Imperative of Nuclear Modernization
General John J. Nichols
Mr. Matthew Costlow
- Hair Triggers, Sponges and Strange Myths the Real Story of ICBMs
Mr. Franklin C. Miller
- The View from 40,000 Feet US Nuclear Deterrent Strategy